
If you can dream it, we can build it!

Our firm has always been a multi faced efficient atmosphere that expertise on all major architectural services, Technical and Non Technical consultation.


Architectural services includes taking instruction from client's instruction and preparation of design brief, site evaluation, structural design, communication systems and electrical design, heating, ventilation and air conditioning design(HVAC) and other mechanical system, escalator and elevators, fire protection and security systems, periodic inspection and evaluation of constuction works etc.

Interior Design

Interior Design service includes space planning, development and volumentric studies, architectural addition and altercation, illumination design, sound and accoustic design, indoor plantscape, graphic design and signage, integration of all engineering services, selection of materials, equipment and other interior related element.


Landscape service includes site planning, appraisal and suitability, landform and grading, surface drainage design and water management, irrigation design, open source design- hard and soft areas, planting design, garden furniture design, illumination design, co-ordination of external services.
